Data analytics and POS systems: How to leverage data for revenue growth

by | May 25, 2023

Hotel owners and managers are always trying to come up with new and creative ways to bring in more revenue. Data analytics is a great way to do this as it can give them a better understanding of customer behaviour and preferences.

The benefit of a point of sales solution or a POS in this regard is invaluable. With all the information gathered in the POS system, hotels can start making smarter decisions that will help their profits. In this article, we’ll look at why data analytics is so important for hotels and how POS systems can help them streamline the data collection and analysis.

The importance of data analytics in hospitality

Data analysis involves collecting and studying different sets of data to uncover patterns and insights that can be used to inform decisions. It’s getting more and more important in many industries as companies need to stay competitive and relevant in the modern market. In the hospitality industry, data analytics is especially important because it can give insights into guest behaviour and preferences. This way, hotel owners and managers can make their operations better and improve the guest experience.

By looking at data from places like their POS solution, hotels can get an idea of a guest’s spending habits, the services they like, and when they are most likely to buy something. This information can be used to create tailored marketing plans, change prices, and optimise sales strategies in a way that increase revenue. In other words, using analytics enable hoteliers make decisions that are more likely to thrive and place them ahead of their competitors.

Hotels that use advanced analytics to guide pricing and distribution decisions can boost income per available room by 3 to 10%, according to a McKinsey & Company study. Many hotel executives are actively looking for methods to incorporate data analytics into their plans emphasising how the world of hospitality is increasingly realising the value of actionable insights in business.

How POS helps in data analysis

The Point-of-Sale system is an essential component for collecting and analysing data in the hospitality industry. A POS system enables hotels to capture customer transactions, track inventory, and collect vital customer information. This data is then analysed to provide insights that can be used to optimise hotel operations and drive revenue growth.

Collection of important data

The collection and analysis of customer data is one way that POS and data analytics can collaborate. When a customer makes a purchase at any outlets, the POS system records transaction information such as the time of day, the items purchased, and the amount spent. This information can then be analysed to learn more about customer behaviour and preferences. Data analytics, for example, may reveal that customers are more likely to buy certain items at specific times of day, or that certain promotions are more effective than others.

Optimise sales strategies

Hoteliers can use the above customer data to improve pricing, promotions, and other operational decisions. For example, they can define which items need to be promoted to which audience segment based on demographics like age, gender or even spending levels. The ability to provide guests with exactly what they need based on individual preferences can entice them to purchase, come back for repeat purchases and even promote the brand to others, resulting in increased revenue.

Improve marketing strategies

POS systems and data analytics can also be used to improve a hotel’s marketing strategy. Hotels can identify the most effective marketing channels and promotions by analysing customer data. Data analytics may reveal, for example, that customers are more likely to respond to email marketing campaigns than to social media promotions. This data can be used to improve the hotel’s messaging efforts and increase the audience’s engagement with the brand.

Get accurate inventory information

Another way that POS and data analytics can help hotels drive revenue growth is by optimising inventory management. Hotels can identify which items are selling well and which are not by using POS data to track inventory levels and sales trends. This data can be used to further streamline and optimise inventory levels and ensure that popular items are always in stock, all while minimising inventory waste. This can result in cost savings as well.

Helping crises management and mitigation

The world discovered how analytics and POS solutions can help businesses sustain during the pandemic by enabling contactless and mobile exchanges. Numerous lodgings needed to adjust their activities to limit actual contact among staff and visitors, and POS frameworks have been basic in working with this shift. Data analytics has likewise assumed a significant part in assisting hotels with adjusting to changing client conduct. When crises and disasters start making huge disturbances in market conditions, businesses can be spry and receptive to evolving patterns.

The future of data analytics and POS systems

Data analytics and point of sales (POS) frameworks are basic devices for lodgings as well as have likewise become progressively significant across numerous businesses in the advanced age. The utilisation of these frameworks is supposed to proceed to develop and essentially affect the general universe of business.

One of the critical manners by which data analytics and POS frameworks are driving the digitalisation of business is through the rising significance of information-driven independent direction. Previously, organisations frequently settled on choices in light of instinct or experience, yet today, data analytics is turning into the foundation of dynamic cycles. This shift is generally because of the way that data analytics can give more exact and extensive experiences into client conduct, industry patterns, and other basic factors that can drive business achievement.

The rising significance of information-driven navigation has likewise been powered by the developing accessibility of information. Today, organisations can gather and break down huge measures of information from various sources, including online entertainment, web traffic, and value-based information from POS frameworks. By utilising progressed examination apparatuses and procedures, organisations can transform this information into noteworthy bits of knowledge, permitting them to streamline their tasks, further develop their showcasing methodologies, and drive income development.

As well as driving the digitalisation of business, data analytics and POS frameworks are likewise fundamentally affecting the general universe of business. One manner by which they are doing this is by empowering organisations to turn out to be more proficient and financially savvy. By utilising information to upgrade tasks and lessen squander, organisations can bring down their expenses and work on their benefit, at last turning out to be more aggressive in their particular businesses.

For instance, an assembling organisation might utilise data analytics to streamline its production network and decrease how much stock it holds, lessening costs and further developing effectiveness. Likewise, a retail organisation might utilise a POS framework to follow stock and improve valuing, permitting it to sell more items while limiting waste and boosting benefits.

Further, the data analytics and POS frameworks are affecting the general universe of business is through the production of new plans of action and income streams. By utilising data analytics to distinguish new open doors and client needs, organisations can make new items and administrations that can drive income development and advancement.

For example, a supermarket chain might utilise data analytics to distinguish patterns in shopper inclinations and make another line of natural, privately obtained items to address these issues. On the other hand, a lodging might involve data analytics to recognise open doors in the business travel market and make another line of administrations explicitly custom fitted to this section.

Essentially, data analytics and POS frameworks are likewise fundamentally affecting the client experience. By gathering and analysing data about client conduct and inclinations, organisations can acquire bits of knowledge into the sorts of items and administrations that clients are searching for, and utilise this data to tailor their contributions and further develop the client experience.

For instance, a café may utilise data analytics to recognize which dishes are generally famous with clients, and utilise this data to streamline its menu and further develop the client experience. Essentially, an inn might utilise data analytics to recognise which conveniences are mean a lot to visitors and utilise this data to work on its contributions and improve the visitor experience.


All in all, data analytics and POS frameworks are progressively becoming basic devices for organisations in the computerised age. By empowering information-driven navigation, driving productivity and cost-viability, making new plans of action and income streams, and further developing the client experience, these apparatuses are assisting organisations with turning out to be more serious and pertinent in a quickly evolving climate. As the significance of information keeps on developing, almost certainly, the utilisation of Data analytics and POS frameworks will turn out to be considerably more far-reaching, at last turning into a fundamental piece of the general universe of business.