Gen Z in hospitality: The impact of the new generation

by | Feb 25, 2022

Sri Lanka’s opening of its first hotel managed by an all-female team brought the attention of the world towards gender representation within hospitality workspaces. Amba Yaalu Kandalama, run by an all-female staff-from top management to maintenance-is a bold initiative given that women only comprise 10% of the country’s tourism workforce.

As we open the conversation about women in tourism and hospitality at large, there is no better time to focus on women’s impact within the sector than International Women’s Day.

Women in tourism: current impact and outlook


Women currently make up 54% of the global tourism workforce


In the hotel industry alone, women representation remains between 60-70%

So, where is the gender gap?

According to UN’s Global Report on Women in Tourism, majority of women in tourism work in the informal economy where they earn less and have less job security.

Female workers are underrepresented in leadership roles, currently holding less than 40% of the managerial positions within the sector.

Closing the gender gap–trends and opportunities 

Hospitality hub

The hospitality remains a hub of opportunities for women, who often dominate roles in accommodation, food and beverage services, and customer relations.


Rise of female travellers

The increasing number of female travellers is reshaping the travel industry. This is creating opportunities for female-run businesses that can cater to female traveller needs and preferences, such as safety, wellness, and personalised experiences.

Sustainable tourism

A 2023 study states that destinations with greater gender equality tend to have more sustainable tourism practices, showing the positive correlation between women empowerment and responsible tourism.

Entrepreneurial spirit

Women are entering entrepreneurship with ventures like boutique hotels, tour operations, and travel agencies, often with a focus on community-based tourism.

Addressing the challenges faced by women

Despite their significant contributions, women in hospitality and tourism continue to face numerous challenges:

  • Due to the gender wage gap, women in the industry often earn less than their male counterparts for comparable work which reinforces systemic inequalities.
  • Long hours or inflexible schedules, make it challenging for women who juggles family responsibilities and, sometimes motherhood alongside their career.
  • Women are often limited to stereotyped roles (i.e: receptionist, server) perpetuating traditional gender roles and discouraging them in leadership positions.
  • Many women in the travel and hospitality industries are unaware of their rights, available resources, and opportunities for professional development.
  • The lack of mentorship and resources makes it harder for women to acquire the skills and networks needed to advance their careers.

Strategies for women empowerment in hospitality

To create a more gender-inclusive hospitality and tourism sector, it is essential to implement comprehensive diversity, inclusivity and equity strategies for better employee welfare.

1. Addressing stereotypes with policy and advocacy

Industry stakeholders can advocate for policies that promote gender equality and empower women in the workplace while supporting organisations that are working to advance women’s rights in the industry. Challenging gender stereotypes within operations and in marketing and advertising materials, establishing the correct DEI strategies and awareness, addressing gender disparities in wages, and hiring and promotion practices are essential in ensuring workspaces remain safe and healthy and will encourage more women to participate within the industry.

2. Technology utilisation

Technology bridges the opportunity gap for women in tourism, enhancing access to training and mentorship and providing online platforms for them to connect, share resources, and network. Technology tools like mobile apps can also be used to promote women-owned businesses. In addition, effective roster management systems, cloud services that enable remote working, or performance tracking that alleviate biases in promotions and other opportunities will create workplaces that foster employee equality and equity.

3. Education and mentorship

UN Tourism has partnered with UN Women and external partners worldwide to bring gender issues to the forefront of the tourism sector. Similar initiatives, not only at the international level but also at regional and local levels, provide opportunities for women to learn and access equal opportunities within the industry. Scholarships, leadership training, financial literacy, entrepreneurship opportunities and networking opportunities for aspiring professionals are also helpful.

4. Flexible work arrangements

While equality is crucial in the industry, so too is equity; understanding and addressing the needs unique to women. For instance, on-site childcare facilities or childcare subsidies can make it easier for women to return to work after having children. Oftentimes, social responsibilities for women differ from their male counterparts, demanding their attention for other activities such as feeding hours. In such instances, flexible work schedules and remote work options enable women to balance work and family life.

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Accelerate action for an empowered future

Imagine an industry where people are equally represented at all levels—from entry-level positions to C-suite executives—and empowered to reach their full potential, with their unique skills and perspectives creating a more inclusive, innovative, and sustainable future. As International Women’s Day 2025 urges all to accelerate action for gender equality, industry stakeholders are called to accelerate their commitment to realising the vision of gender equality within the sector. 

Gen Zs are now entering the markets of all industries and are gradually altering the trends set by the Millennials. Information and new technology are second nature to them and they adopt and confirm new trends. In fact, they demand new technologies and novelty. The experiences, living standards, value systems, and diversity among Gen Zs are much higher than their previous counterparts. This means all industries including the hospitality industry must take steps to accommodate this fast-growing and diverse population segment.

Millennials Vs. Gen Z

With the shift in time, the contrast between generations becomes more obvious, as does the way in which these generations need to be perceived by both employers and sellers. While this scenario may not be industry-specific, the hospitality industry has its work cut out for them when approaching Gen Z.  The demographic born between 1996 and 2000 – referred to as Gen Z – are fast-growing in both influence, numbers, spending power, and buying power. According to Forbes, Gen Z accounts for $29 to $143 billion in direct spending. Unlike Millennials, Gen Zs know exactly what they want, are willing to pay for it and expect what is promised. They grew up with constant social changes, innovation, and economic instability. As a result, they are resolute, hard-working and are shrewd decision-makers.  While Millennials often had a bucket list of places to travel, Gen Z is more focused on the experience over the destination. Rather than go to a hotel to work on their tan, Gen Z is more interested in the activities surrounding the area and the new experiences they can enjoy when visiting a particular place.

Generation Z as Guests

Gen Z loves to travel. While the intentions behind travelling may vary according to the individual, the demographic as a whole is passionate about travel. They tend to document their entire experience, mainly on Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat and YouTube, staying true to their “influencer” title.  According to the Travel Agent Central, Gen Z take a minimum of 2.8 leisure trips per year. Many studies show that Gen Z heavily influences family decisions because parents are keen to keep their children happy. This shows that Gen Z children are the true spending power behind family vacations. As this generation grows up and begins earning their own money, their spending power will increase further. However, the expectations when travelling remain the same – they will look for excitement and unique experiences.  According to a survey by Campaign Monitor on “The challenges of Generation Z marketing”, social media plays a key role in influencing Gen Zers to purchase a product or travel to a destination. Two-thirds of this demographic are often undecided on a destination and are open to suggestions. The most popular trip types among Gen Z travellers are relaxing, sightseeing, adventure, and visiting family. Travel Agent Central notes that Gen Z prioritises once in a lifetime opportunities and bucket list experiences ahead of deals and budget prices. Furthermore, 77% of Gen Z travellers are willing to receive help and inspiration when they plan a trip, and this inspiration comes via the smartphone for nearly 70% of them. There are a few specific areas of focus when catering to this demographic, and the hospitality industry had to go through a shift in focus after Gen Z came into the picture.


Gen Zers like to stand out. As opposed to many other generations including Millennials, whose individuality depended on a pack mentality, Gen Zers are very firmly lodged in the notion that the more unique they are, the better it is. Their travel tastes reflect this attitude.  Many Gen Z travellers look for hidden nooks and crannies, previously undiscovered or not often visited. They prefer these destinations of travel over large tourist infused destinations. Hotels that provide a uniqueness targeted at this demographic can stay ahead of the competition. Due to this, traditional marketing where the latest trends are identified and campaigned are losing potency since they have no effect on Gen Zers. 


Gen Zers grew up with information at their fingertips, and this information also includes facts about global warming or eco disasters caused by human behaviours. This plays a significant role in travel for Gen Zers. The hospitality industry has to re-evaluate its strategies and create a wholly different experience incorporating this sentiment. Prioritising the environment is fast becoming the norm, and Gen Zers are one of the main advocators of this.  Eliminating plastic is one major change that was made in the industry. Small hotel shampoo bottles were replaced with large refillable bottles mounted on the walls. The bottled water in each room has been removed, and many hotels have automatic motion sensor lights that switch off when no movement is sensed for an extended period. 

Embracing Digitisation

One of the major changes in the industry caused by the new generation is the role played by digital innovation and technology. Gen Zers happily accept QR codes in lieu of payment, and making bookings via a Twitter DM or Instagram Message is the norm. They consider virtual tours ahead of the actual trip convenient, and it is even expected sometimes. This generation prefers mobile guest journeys created through solutions like FX GeM. Gen Z’s affinity for technology makes it a priority in the hospitality industry.

Sudden Inspiration

It is no secret that Gen Zers have a short attention span. This is obvious in their multi-tasking and multi-screen behaviours. The hospitality industry has to be able to capture their attention within eight seconds via engaging and eye-catching forms of marketing. The platform used has also changed during the past few years. Facebook is no longer a priority when targeting Gen Zers specifically. Instead, they are more focused on social media platforms such as Snapchat, Instagram and YouTube. This has caused the entire hospitality industry to shift its marketing strategies to these platforms, taking a step back from email marketing and Facebook posts.  Gen Zers are a highly influential generation who brought drastic changes that are environmentally friendly and tech-savvy. This generation has turned the hospitality industry has towards a digital and sustainable path. With Gen Z constantly demanding that their wants be met, the hospitality industry is undergoing a subtle revolution to accommodate their dynamic tastes and preferences.
Jacob K I | IDS NEXT


Jacob K I

Vice President - Business Development

He is responsible for developing growth strategy focused both on financial gain and customer satisfaction. He is also responsible for conducting research to identify new markets and customer needs.